As you may or may not know, in addition to working for a living, I’m also in school. Sort of. I’ve been working on a bachelors degree part time for a long time; I’m finished all my classes, but still have a graduating project to do.
There are only so many steps associated with this process.
Step 1 – Pick a topic
Step 2 – Write a proposal and have it accepted
Step 3 – Carry out project
Step 4 – Write report and have it accepted
Step 5 – Graduate
But every step, takes way longer than it has to.
Six months later, we agreed on a topic. I started writing the proposal and it took 8 months (and 6 submissions) to get any feedback from my professor; when I finally did, it wasn’t exactly how I anticipated it.
So I did. And then…
So I did. And then…
I’ve actively been stuck in Step 1 and Step 2 for over two years. I’m beyond frustrated, which is why I have writer’s block and why you get a rant instead of a post. You’re welcome.